
A box of Starbucks VIA Instant Coffee
Photo: Sarah Kobos
The Starbucks VIA instant coffee had a strong aroma that was reminiscent of burnt rubber. Marguerite described the taste as "bitter, sour, and flat," while Marilyn found it to be "watery and weak." We all agreed that it didn't taste like freshly brewed coffee and had a somewhat artificial flavor. However, it wasn't the worst instant coffee we tried, and it could be a decent option if you're a fan of Starbucks coffee.

  1. A box of Nescafé Taster's Choice Instant Coffee
    Photo: Sarah Kobos
    The Nescafé Taster's Choice instant coffee had a mild aroma that was slightly malty and papery. Marguerite found it to be "bland and watery," while Marilyn thought it tasted "like instant coffee." We all agreed that it lacked the depth and complexity of the top three brands. However, it's widely available and affordable, making it a convenient choice for those on a budget.

  2. A box of Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee
    Photo: Sarah Kobos
    The Folgers Classic Roast instant coffee had a strong aroma that was reminiscent of burnt rubber. Marguerite described the taste as "bitter and sour," while Marilyn found it to be "watery and weak." We all agreed that it had a somewhat artificial flavor and didn't taste like freshly brewed coffee. However, it wasn't the worst instant coffee we tried, and it could be a decent option if you're a fan of Folgers coffee.

  3. A box of Maxwell House Original Roast Instant Coffee
    Photo: Sarah Kobos
    The Maxwell House Original Roast instant coffee had a mild aroma that was slightly malty and papery. Marguerite found it to be "bland and watery," while Marilyn thought it tasted "like instant coffee." We all agreed that it lacked the depth and complexity of the top three brands. However, it's widely available and affordable, making it a convenient choice for those on a budget.

Not recommended

  1. A box of Trader Joe's Instant Coffee
    Photo: Sarah Kobos
    The Trader Joe's instant coffee had a strong aroma that was reminiscent of burnt rubber. Marguerite described the taste as "bitter, sour, and flat," while Marilyn found it to be "watery and weak." We all agreed that it didn't taste like freshly brewed coffee and had a somewhat artificial flavor. It was the least favorite of all the instant coffees we tried.

  2. A box of Taster's Choice Gourmet Roast Instant Coffee
    Photo: Sarah Kobos
    The Taster's Choice Gourmet Roast instant coffee had a mild aroma that was slightly malty and papery. Marguerite found it to be "bland and watery," while Marilyn thought it tasted "like instant coffee." We all agreed that it lacked the depth and complexity of the top three brands. It was also more expensive than the regular Taster's Choice instant coffee, without offering any noticeable improvement in taste.

  3. A box of Café Bustelo Instant Coffee
    Photo: Sarah Kobos
    The Café Bustelo instant coffee had a strong aroma that was reminiscent of burnt rubber. Marguerite described the taste as "bitter, sour, and flat," while Marilyn found it to be "watery and weak." We all agreed that it didn't taste like freshly brewed coffee and had a somewhat artificial flavor. It was the least favorite of all the instant coffees we tried. Waka Coffee Quality Instant Coffee(24包装售价30美元,每份1.25美元)具有烟熏、稍微烧焦的香气,有点像烧烤。玛丽莲写道:“它似乎平衡度和酸度充足,尾韵甜美而持久。”玛格丽特觉得它稀薄,带有“腐烂水果的怪味”。我在笔记中写道:“它放置几分钟后变得更加平衡和柔和”,但是我察觉到一丝橡胶味,使它比我们的前三名不太吸引人。

  4. Café Altura Instant Organic Coffee(两个3.53盎司罐装约22美元,每份约18美分)的香气不是特别浓郁,但我们能够察觉到微妙的热可可和焦油味。我认为它有一种烧焦的余味,但并不像刺鼻的星巴克或福尔杰咖啡那样令人难以忍受。玛格丽特写道:“这是一种相当好的餐馆咖啡替代品,就像在热板上放了很久的咖啡一样。”她指出它“相当平衡,但仍然不好喝。”玛丽莲写道:“总体来说,味道很短暂。”尽管如此,这绝不是这些咖啡中最糟糕的,它确实提供了一些真正咖啡的味道,尽管一般水平一般。


  1. Starbucks Via Instant Colombia Medium Roast Coffee(八包装约10美元,每份1.25美元)无疑是我们品尝过的最具争议性的一杯咖啡。我在笔记中写道:“它烧焦的橡胶香气非常压倒性——尝起来就像是咖啡在玻璃瓶中放了几个小时,煮沸到无法辨认。”玛格丽特只是写道:“哎呀,刺鼻。”玛丽莲注意到:“酸度好,尾韵甜美,最后有不错的烤面包片味道。但总体来说,对我来说太苦了。”由于与大多数速溶咖啡不同,Via Instant含有一些真正的咖啡粉,我们在杯子里也发现了一些颗粒或沉淀物。但是那些熟悉星巴克咖啡的测试者说它尝起来就像真的一样,它是我们在2019年与一些Wirecutter员工一起进行速溶咖啡品尝测试时的最爱之一。如果你是星巴克咖啡的粉丝,你可能会喜欢这款咖啡,我们认为它搭配奶油和糖会很好。

  2. Tandem Coffee Time and Temperature Instant Coffee(六包装售价15美元,每份2.50美元)具有强烈的酸味,随着我们品尝的时间越长,这种味道变得越来越压倒性。我写道它“非常酸和酸,有一定的饱满感。”玛丽莲察觉到一些果味,写道:“它闻起来像黑莓派。”她还说它尝起来更像浆果茶而不是真正的咖啡。玛格丽特觉得它闻起来有点像热可可。“这杯咖啡感觉像一杯咖啡,”她写道。如果你喜欢果味更浓、酸味更明显的咖啡,我们认为你会喜欢Tandem咖啡,但它并不适合每个人。在我们2019年测试了一些高端速溶咖啡时,它是我们的最爱之一,但在我们的视频品尝测试中完全失败了。


  1. Jacobs Krönung Instant Coffee(一罐装约8美元,每份约16美分)闻起来像燃烧的橡胶。“它闻起来像用过的咖啡渣,”玛格丽特写道,她还指出它有一点咸味,让她想起了普通的米饼干。我发现它稀薄,主要是烧焦的余味。玛丽莲说它“超级粉状”。

  2. Maxwell House Original Roast Instant Coffee(一罐装8盎司约5美元,每份4美分)有一种不可否认的麦芽香气。玛丽莲在写道“它闻起来就像奥瓦尔丁!”时说得一针见血。玛格丽特说它尝起来“有点像在吮吸一枚硬币,有点麦芽味,就像啤酒工厂的气味。”我觉得它非常稀薄,就像有人稀释了几滴麦芽糖浆。它陈旧、稍微烧焦的余味也不好闻。

  3. 为什么购买速溶咖啡?

速溶咖啡长期以来一直是露营、徒步旅行和应急准备工具包的必备品。在你的手套箱里放几个小包可以在长途旅行中非常方便,或者作为替代品来喝你亲戚家里那种淡而稀的咖啡。除了作为饮料之外,速溶咖啡还是许多烘焙食谱的常见成分,比如这款高大上的香蕉焦糖派和Yotam Ottolenghi的奢华巧克力蛋糕。虽然我们可能不会用一包价值3美元的速溶咖啡来烘焙,但是一些口味不错的速溶咖啡会让你的糕点更美味。


我们避免了无咖啡因速溶咖啡,以及添加了糖、奶精和其他调味品的选项。我们坚持选择中烘焙的咖啡,因为我们在之前的测试中了解到深烘和浅烘的咖啡往往太过极端。我们在测试时也受到了可用性的限制,因为一些品牌,比如Sudden Coffee,由于Covid-19大流行而停产。其他品牌则完全售罄,所以我们无法测试它们。
在研究了50多种速溶咖啡后,我选择了10种进行测试。我邀请了Wirecutter厨房团队的两位编辑Marguerite Preston和Marilyn Ong加入。由于我们因Covid-19大流行而在家工作,我们分别品尝了咖啡,并通过Zoom讨论了结果。我们还邀请了与我们一起隔离的家庭成员参加品尝,并分享他们的想法。
如果你正在寻找更多的速溶咖啡推荐,我们过去对我们测试过的咖啡有其他品尝笔记可能会对你感兴趣。在2019年,我们品尝了来自各种特色烘焙商的四种新速溶咖啡,并实时拍摄了另一个品尝视频。在2017年,Wirecutter的洛杉矶和纽约市的员工测试了几个品牌,为我们的原始速溶咖啡指南做出了贡献。 对于这次的综述,我们测试了三种类型的咖啡:即溶咖啡的单份包装、袋装研磨咖啡和带有一次性冲泡装置的研磨咖啡。以下是我们在原始综述中品尝到的咖啡,按照每个类别从好到坏的顺序列出:


  • Café Bustelo Espresso Instant Coffee 味道淡而无味。虽然没有人认为这种咖啡非常出色,但由于价格便宜,我们认为它是一个可行的选择,如果我们的首选不可用的话。
  • Alpine Start Instant Coffee 在我们的测试中引起了极大的争议,所以我们不得不将其排除在外。
  • Nescafé Taster's Choice 100% Colombian 是另一种分歧很大的咖啡,其中一位测试者称其为“酸、刺激和恶心”。
  • Nescafé Clásico 味道有氯和金属的味道。它也太稀了,酸度很低。
  • Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee Mix 在我们的测试中表现非常好,但由于它不完全是即溶咖啡(它是一半即溶咖啡,一半蘑菇粉),并且有一些可疑的评论和质疑健康的说法,我们不能诚信地推荐它。


  • Treeline Coffee Roasters Geo 是我们在之前版本的指南中的升级选择,尽管它实际上是预磨的冲泡咖啡。它的冲泡袋装置可以制作出很棒的新鲜冲泡咖啡。但是,与这个类别中的其他咖啡相比,我们认为将其与即溶咖啡进行测试是不公平的。我们认为它仍然是一个很好的选择,但它只是不符合我们为2020年更新设定的更严格的准则。
  • Libra Coffee Pourtables 有令人满意的香气和味道,但有点淡,而且与我们测试的其他一些一次性冲泡套装相比,咖啡粉似乎不太新鲜。

本文由Marilyn Ong和Marguerite Preston编辑。




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